A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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Visit a quiet town in the Peruvian desert at night searching for spirits and taking photos, then sharing these pictures with locals who free-associate based on them. This game is based on time I spent with a brujo in the desert suburb of Cachiche, a town that was founded by witches during the Peruvian Inquisition. Here descendants of witches still live and continue to practice traditional healing and fortune-telling.

"What works here is that uncertainty space... In a number of places you'll see shadows that don't have a body. And you'll also see people discussing secrets in dark rooms or running past you hurriedly from behind fences. But this only adds to the underlying feeling of something sinister and ominous present, watching you, following you wherever you go..."
Kill Screen

"It's all pleasantly dizzying, like a fever dream."
Baltimore City Paper


  • Explore a 3D world with ambient sounds, voices and textures from the Peruvian desert, a living environment at night.
  • Use your photography as a means of conversing with non-player characters, revealing what they see as well as what they imagine.
  • See yourself as an outsider, lurking in alleys, eavesdropping on conversations, going where you're not supposed to go.
  • Watch the forces of tourism at work and the conflicts rumbling beneath the surface of a small town.
  • Discover that your camera is not just a passive recorder, but that its act of observation can change the environment.
  • Complete progressively more abstract quests and delusional journal entries.
  • Export and share your photos.

Selected for the International Indie Den Showcase at Game Happens! in Genova Cornigliano, Italy. Exhibited at Synthetic Zero Event at BronxArtSpace, New York (2015) and the Maryland Artist Registry Juried Exhibition at Maryland Art Place, Baltimore (2016). Also exhibited at solo and 3-person shows in Rockville, MD:  Procedural Experience at VisArts (2017), and In Play, Flow, and Ritual at King Street Gallery (2018), respectively.

PlatformsWindows, macOS
Release date Dec 10, 2015
Rated 3.6 out of 5 stars
(36 total ratings)
AuthorAaron Oldenburg
Tags3D, artgame, Experimental, First-Person, Horror, photography, travel
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Buy Now$2.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.99 USD. Your purchase comes with a Steam key. You will get access to the following files:

Mac 32-bit (will not work on Catalina and above) 204 MB
1000 Heads Among the Trees - Win32bit.zip 203 MB
1000 Heads Among the Trees - Win64bit.zip 204 MB

Development log


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Very interesting exploration game where you visit the town of Cachiche in Peru to take photos of ghosts. Well, things might not go as planned... I played this game as part of the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality on itch.io and I would recommend it! Give it a try!

hey thats my birth town

Nice, have you spent much time there?

(1 edit) (+2)

Unfortunately left at age 5 but my parents grew up there until they were about 25, and the rest of the family still lives there. 

i saw this game in my dreams except there was a big burger constantly talking to me and telling me to eat a bunch of french fries with chocolate milk (eat them at the same time and mix and munch them in my mouth so the french fries get soaked with the taste of chocolate milk) and so i played this game while eating french fries with chocolate milk and my third eye opened and i kinda saw michael jacksons ghost and he said "a hee hee" yup yup yup


I really enjoyed this, and I don't usually like horror games. I think as the other commenter said, the lack of jumpscares was nice. This led to me to stick with it. That and I enjoyed the little bit of Spanish dialog to go along with it.

Very unnerving and fun exploration horror games, and there aren't really any jumpscares which is always good. 

My only complaint is that it crashes a lot. I would like to play again sometime and see if I can find anything I didn't find the first time


Thanks for the positive comments! I'm sorry it's crashing. This is probably due to the fact that I created it in Unity 4, and haven't been able to update it due to the enormous revisions I'd have to do to get it working in 5+.


this looks trippy